Does Minimum Wage Apply To Part Time Workers?


9 Answers

Rebecca Hunt Profile
Rebecca Hunt answered
The national minimum wage applies to every worker over the age of 16. There are different rates depending on how old the employee is. For 16 and 17 year olds the pay is £3.64 per hour, for 18-20 year olds it is £4.92 per hour, for apprentices it is £2.50 per hour and for anyone over the age of 21 the pay is £5.93 per hour. The wage for 16 and 17 year olds does not apply to 16 year olds who are not able to leave school. This would be the case for all those who turn 16 whilst they are at school. They cannot claim the £3.64 rate until the end of the school year.

The different rates for 16-17 and 18-20 year olds do not apply if they are apprentices. If the apprentice is 19 or over their wage bracket only comes into effect if they are on the second year of their apprenticeship. There are exceptions to these rules. For instance, minimum wage does not apply if you are self-employed. However, if you are employed and you get paid per item made or completed then minimum wage does apply.

The highest age bracket was for people of 22 years of age and up until 1st October 2010. From this point on the minimum age for this bracket was increased to include those who are 21 years old or more. These rates are re-assessed each year. On the 1st October 2011 all the rates will increase. The rate for those aged over 21 will increase to £6.08, the 18-20 rate will be £4.98, the 16 and 17 rate will be £3.68 and the apprentice rate will be £2.60. The same rules will still apply to these rates; it is just the amounts that will increase.
Steven Guadalupe Profile
Minimum Wage applies to all part time workers with the following exception(s)

Most states allow hospitality workers to be paid under minimum wage (for example in NYS wait staff at restaurants must pay workers at least $3.85 an hour, as the tips will compensate the rest of their income to equal minimum wage.)

Other exceptions may be allowed I would check with your states Department of Labor.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Although "part time" is not necessarily an exemption - some exemptions include: Workers with disabilities, full-time students, youth under age 20 in their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment, tipped employees and student-learners. Check out the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for Federal law, and then you should check out your state and local laws, so your information is accurate.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Yes, it does, and depending on where you live, it can vary from one state to another, if you live in the states that is. You can go to and type in minimum wage. There's wages for a couple of different places that have it, hope this helps, good luck.
nettie Profile
nettie answered
Yes it does, It is across the board....good luck
SidrA Tasneem Profile
SidrA Tasneem answered
Off course the minimum wage rate is applicable on part time workers because they are people who are getting paid according to per hour or per day so they must be compensated properly.
emma danish Profile
emma danish answered
If you are in employment with a professional company part time/fulltime/you can expect to get paid the same per hour

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