What Is The Difference Between Void And Voidable Contracts?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One is unenforceable on its face. the other you can void it if certain things happen
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know how much detail one can provide to this because it straightforward.  A void contract is one which has been rendered meaningless and carries no legal obligation upon the parties.  A voidable contract is one which has the capacity to become void, usually because of unfair terms or if terms as set forth should be breached by either party.  Does it help?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A void contract is an agreement to carry out an illegal act while voidable contract is a legally valid contract between two parties.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Void contracts are void ab-nitio i.e void from the bigining.these contracts are not enforceable by law. But the voidable contracts are not void ab-nitio. Due to some reasons they become void.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The difference is that a void contract cannot be enforced(it has no chance of being valid) where if it is voidable it can be enforced for eg: You lied on your insurance proposal and in the event of a loss it was discovered that you lied(breached the contract) and therefor the contract entered between you and the insurance company became void and the insurance company chooses not to pay BUT hey if they want too the can choose to pay you and thats when the term voidable comes ion the insurance company choose to forgive your void contract making it voidable
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Void contract - void contract in effect is no contract at all.literally the word void means not binding in law.as such void contract means a contract which has o legal effect at all,it is a nullity and will not create any legal rights between the parties. The term void contract is self contradictory,because the word contract means an agreement enforceable by law,so how it can be void at the same time.a voidable contract does not affect the collateral transactions .but where the agreement is void on account of illegality of the object,the collateral transactions will also become void.

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