Book-Keeping should not be confused with accounting.The process of accounting begins where the book keeping process ends.I will do point wise discussion
Book-keeping Accounting
1. It is recording phase It is summarising phase
2. It is basis for accounting It is basis for business language
3. Persons responsible are called book-keepres Persons responsible are called accountants
4.It does not require any special skill It requires special skill and knowledge
5.Financial statements are not prepared from records can be prepared from accounting records
6.It can not give complete picture of the financials It will complete and clear picture of
7.It cannot help for decission making It will help for decission making
Book-keeping Accounting
1. It is recording phase It is summarising phase
2. It is basis for accounting It is basis for business language
3. Persons responsible are called book-keepres Persons responsible are called accountants
4.It does not require any special skill It requires special skill and knowledge
5.Financial statements are not prepared from records can be prepared from accounting records
6.It can not give complete picture of the financials It will complete and clear picture of
7.It cannot help for decission making It will help for decission making