In the United Kingdom, you can contact Greyhound UK by dialling 0900 096 0000. This is their ticket phone number. Calling this number will cost 49p per minute if you're using your landline telephone, and you will incur additional charges if you call using your mobile phone. The line is open on weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00.
Greyhound USA can be reached at the number 1-800-231-2222 for general enquiries on route fares and schedules. The number for customer service is 214-849-8966. Customers with disabilities can contact the company by dialling 1-800-752-4841, while deaf or hearing impaired callers can make use of Greyhound's TDD/TYY service at 1-800-345-3109 during the hours of 05:00 and 02:00. Spanish language callers can reach Greyhound at 1-800-531-5332, also between 05:00 and 02:00, and international callers dialling from countries that do not have toll-free access can call 214-849-8100 to reach the company.
The US branch also has numbers that you can use to contact their corporate office, website support centre, driver careers line, baggage claim service, charter services, commercial services and ticket package sales.
Canadian riders can dial 1-800-661-TRIP for fare information, 1-877-GO-DOG-GO to contact Greyhound Courier Express and 1-866-562-1321 for Commercial Services and Corporate Travel. Hearing-impaired customers can reach the company at 1-800-397-7870 from 5 a.m. To midnight.
Finally, Greyhound Mexico can be reached at 01 800 010 0600.
The above are all the phone numbers that are operated by Greyhound's head offices. Each individual station should also have a direct phone number that you can call for information. Some of these stations will have additional dedicated phone numbers for baggage enquiries, customer service and the station's branch of Greyhound Package Express, and all of these numbers are available on Greyhound's websites.
Greyhound USA can be reached at the number 1-800-231-2222 for general enquiries on route fares and schedules. The number for customer service is 214-849-8966. Customers with disabilities can contact the company by dialling 1-800-752-4841, while deaf or hearing impaired callers can make use of Greyhound's TDD/TYY service at 1-800-345-3109 during the hours of 05:00 and 02:00. Spanish language callers can reach Greyhound at 1-800-531-5332, also between 05:00 and 02:00, and international callers dialling from countries that do not have toll-free access can call 214-849-8100 to reach the company.
The US branch also has numbers that you can use to contact their corporate office, website support centre, driver careers line, baggage claim service, charter services, commercial services and ticket package sales.
Canadian riders can dial 1-800-661-TRIP for fare information, 1-877-GO-DOG-GO to contact Greyhound Courier Express and 1-866-562-1321 for Commercial Services and Corporate Travel. Hearing-impaired customers can reach the company at 1-800-397-7870 from 5 a.m. To midnight.
Finally, Greyhound Mexico can be reached at 01 800 010 0600.
The above are all the phone numbers that are operated by Greyhound's head offices. Each individual station should also have a direct phone number that you can call for information. Some of these stations will have additional dedicated phone numbers for baggage enquiries, customer service and the station's branch of Greyhound Package Express, and all of these numbers are available on Greyhound's websites.