What are the general classes of patrol activities?


1 Answers

Samantha Mitchell Profile
There are a lot of ways this question can be answered. It will depend on what is meant by patrol activities.

  • Civil Air Patrol
The Civil Air Patrol has their own activities and general classes, such as learning how to fly various classes of planes as part of the Civil Air Patrol. They also have some special activities as part of the patrol system.

  • Patrol leader
A patrol leader refers to scouting in America. Boy Scouts have regular patrols that are made up of scouts who have completed their first class requirements. These patrol activities are part of the troop framework.

  • Swing patrol launceston
This is yet another option that can mean something as part of patrol activities. In this case, the general activities or classes are made up of swing dancing classes. For some reason there are patrols as part of this particular program.

  • Wildfire Prevention Patrol
Another way to interpret patrol is the Wildfire Prevention Patrol, where there are numerous activities used to help patrol the wildfire such as fire prevention classes and other protection style courses for those who want to work in this field.

These activities often deal with the training needed for these teams. Training can go on all spring and through the summer during the height of wildfire season and thus there are plenty of general and special classes for how to fight the wildfire.

  • Police
Police are often known to patrol. This means they have some general classes in how to become police and they will deal with how to patrol on foot, bike, horse and in vehicles to ensure those around them are safe. It may be that the question was asking about police patrol activities and the courses associated with it, in which case one needs to look up police academies.

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