
What Is Coprophagia?


1 Answers

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Anonymous answered
Coprophagia is the technical name for when animals eat their own faeces. While many animals eat their own faeces, it is mainly dog owners who find it to be a problem. Some dogs simply grow out of this habit and in that case they usually start at around four months of age and stop again at roughly ten months of age.

Often a dog presents this behaviour when he/she is either bored or looking for attention. Sometimes however, it can be a medical problem so you may wish to take your dog to the vet if the problem is constant. Another reason they may eat their own faeces is if they are lacking nutrients.

Correcting the problem can be hard to do and it is best if the problem can actually be prevented before it even occurs. To do this, you have to keep an eye on when your dog goes to the toilet. As soon as they do get rid of any faeces you should pick it up immediately and throw it in the bin.

Overall it shouldn't be a cause for concern and with regular correcting; the problem should eventually go away.

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