
How is it possible to "over-achieve" at work?


1 Answers

Interview Success Profile

How is it possible for
someone to over achieve in their job? It is pretty difficult for someone to
over achieve. Usually employers are thrilled when you go above and beyond their
expectations. The only times I can see over achieving being an issue, if you
happen to have a manager who is concerned that you will steal their job. They
may see your high performance as a threat to them.  But that's more their problem than anything
you are doing.

The other case I can see
over achieving is in situations where you are expected to work a specific
number of hours. For example, if you are an entry level employee in the federal
government, you are expected to work forty hours per week and are paid for
forty hours per week. Because they don't pay you overtime. You are actually
required not to work more than forty hours per week. So if you were to take
work home with you, against what they tell you to do and complete more work on
hours that you are not getting paid for, than you can actually earn a verbal reprimand
for doing so. So in that case you could over achieve.

But except from those
exceptions, it's actually a really good idea to go above and beyond what your
employer expects.

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