How to answer this request? "Use the following space to bring to our attention any further details you feel may assist us in placing you in employment . Include your leisure time activities."


3 Answers

Elizabeth MacConnachie Profile

This is your Personal Statement - this is where you really big up yourself, so to speak you tell them why you are the best person for the job and you skills and your leisure time activities if there is relevant transferable skills like organising, planning, etc skills...

El Lly Profile
El Lly answered


When you are seeking employment, it is important to remember that employers are not just looking for people who make the cut in the grades department, they are also looking for people who show character.

The problem is that the market becomes heavily saturated with thousands of prospects with excellent degrees, so something is needed to promote and enhance yourself as a person, to show your employers how you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Take some time to think about just exactly how you shine, are you good at any sports? Music? Writing? Are you an avid social butterfly? Do you excel at solving computer problems? Anything you can think of that makes you different and shows that you have character outside the workplace is exactly what they are looking for. A person who cycles every morning at 6am, come rain or shine, shows qualities of tenacity, passion, hard work and drive.

I hope this helps.

Ankur Jrm Profile
Ankur Jrm answered

It's awesome freecell game,i am here and playing almost 2 year,so friends this is right time,just one a single click here and directly download solitaire freecell there are full fun,exited,cool and beautiful graphic.

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