I'm looking for an animal with an ill temper, fast, unorganized, and likes to play/ tease its prey?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Seems to me like you might like to get a snake or another reptile. I can't think of any other creature that would do the things you're wanting it to do. Kind of an odd request to say the least. Good luck with that!

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Hayley Campbell
Hayley Campbell commented
So the reason for my question is I'm trying to find an animal that's a lot like me, (yes, I have an awful temper, pretty speedy at stuff, very unorganized, and I like to bug people before I actually insult them) because me and my friend are making a comic series where all of our friends and us are animals. I researched and snakes actually don't have tempers. If they do they are fear based or territorial. We decided on a spider of some sort, since they don't have tempers and we're desperate at this point.
Chocolatey  Goodness Profile

First thing that comes to mind is a Tasmanian devil. But then I'm thinking of the cartoon...not sure of their habits in reality, except that they have "bad tempers."

2 People thanked the writer.
Hayley Campbell
Hayley Campbell commented
So the reason for my question is I'm trying to find an animal that's a lot like me, (yes, I have an awful temper, pretty speedy at stuff, very unorganized, and I like to bug people before I actually insult them) because me and my friend are making a comic series where all of our friends and us are animals. But alas, they don't play/tease with prey and are fairly organized. We decided on some spider with a temper. :| desperate.
Chocolatey  Goodness
Maybe you can't have it all? Pick something that is the MOST like you, and then just add those missing traits into the comic. It doesn't have to be exactly spot on. I think other cartoonist would agree.
Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Yeah it sounds like a house cat to me... Although not sure about the "disorganized" part, our feline friends seem to have their stuff pretty well run.

Maybe this is a trick question and you're looking for a human? I know a bunch of people who match the description above.

1 Person thanked the writer.
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
So do I !!! lol
Hayley Campbell
Hayley Campbell commented
So the reason for my question is I'm trying to find an animal that's a lot like me, (yes, I have an awful temper, pretty speedy at stuff, very unorganized, and I like to bug people before I actually insult them) because me and my friend are making a comic series where all of our friends and us are animals. House cats DO have their stuff together, (and I never do) so we've decided on some spider with a temper. :| we've become desperate.

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