It means she's incredibly inappropriate and you should report her to human resources ... STAT !
What does it mean when your manager you just met is very touchy with you on your first and second day of work & she put her hand around your waist while walking & also grabbed your hands and Intertwined it with her arm and her side?
I refuse to believe that you are this old to work, but yet so dense.
I had a boss that did this. It wasn't me - he did this to everyone. One new girl told him - I really don't feel comfortable when you do this - and he actually stopped.
People like this need boundaries defined - the sooner, the better. If you've set your boundary and this continues to happen, escalate this situation. You don't need to feel uncomfortable in your work setting.
It means, if you don't like it you tell them to stop.
If they don't stop - you file a lawsuit and get millions of dollars from the company for "sexual harassment".