Have you ever worked for or known someone that you thought was a snake in the grass?


11 Answers

Zack -  Mr. GenXer Profile

Only after the fact and by that time, the damage was done.

dragonfly forty-six Profile

Yes, the last company I worked for. It was always about their bottom line, all employees are replaceable. They just needed warm bodies and treated us as such.

I remember one year they didn't give anyone raises, not even cost of living. But the owner showed up with a new Audi. It was the Audi that was in that James Bond movie. He would park it right in front of the business, next to the employee entrance. So we got our noses rubbed in the fact multiple times a day. He and his minions were douches.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Yep. Years ago I had a back stabbing boss that everyone detested, he thought he was above everyone else. His son beat him to death with a baseball bat, while he was sleeping.

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Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
We could only imagine the years of "Abuse" the boy may have suffered 😳
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
That kid has been on my mind for a long time. I've always wondered about the outcome of his life.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Somewhat interesting:

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

Oh come on i worked at car dealerships they are all snakes

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

You are kind using the term, "Snake in the Grass". But I know what you are getting at. I have had to deal with people so awful I first wondered why no one actually put a bullet in their heads. Then I would avoid them as much as possible thinking I did not want to be around when someone actually did it. These people did not have any morals, did not respect life, and enjoyed making others miserable. On a positive note most of those I had the displeasure of meeting eventually went down in flames. But nor before they ruined many lives.

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KB Baldwin
KB Baldwin commented
Amen. Unfortunately it seems that before going down
in flames, they manage to get into supervisory or management positions and as you said ruin lives, before going down in flames. Karma may be a bitch, she works slowly.
Ancient One
Ancient One commented
In most cases she does.
Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

90% of the people I worked with at the Bank😝.

Thieves, liars, backstabbers, cons, spammers, mega liars. From tellers to vice bank presidents and presidents. Same with car dealerships, mechanics, finance, salesmen and owners.😝😝😝.

You would not believe the sheer numbers of scams and there was no age limit on who they would scam.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Yes, all too often people can take on many "faces", trying to lull someone into believing that they are honest, or trustworthy, or whatever, when all the time they are not. It is a sad state of affairs that people play games like this, because eventually, it will all backfire in their face.  A lesson in humility seems in order.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Rooster,

Yes...and I will say the power these folks can have over the rest of us, even the idea of that was extremely distressing to me...life almost not worth living...

What helped me was the Buddhist concept of dukkha - 'suffering' is approximate translation but Buddhists say the "snake-in-grass" person is him/herself deeply suffering, very unhappy.

* * *

So I begin with compassion for the perpetrator, and from that foundation thread my way to the best choices I can to be free.

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
My favorite approach is to end their suffering immediately.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Murder or assisted suicide depending on whether you favor Poe or Kevorkian.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Well Tom, that is certainly a direct approach to the situation...
Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

One or two. The worst of them was an Australian director employed by my last Japanese company. I once came upon him throwing his weight around with a young Chinese woman and as he walked away she murmured something in Mandarin. I asked what it meant and she said, "Just down from the trees." It was very appropriate.

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
In Australia -- and almost certainly in other countries -- the big japanese traders (the sogo shosha) always appoint a local citizen as a director. In the two companies I mostly worked for they chose one who was barely competent but who was earning more money there than competence and ability would justify. From that point they own them.

A lot of corners are cut and the local "director" is the man they use to sign any borderline, or dishonest documents. If there's an investigation the current set of Japanese directors return to the Land of the Rising Sun and are replaced by another group who are clearly innocent of past wrong doings. The local director is left to carry the can.

The guy I'm talking about was perhaps unaware of this, or was optimistic enough to think it wouldn't happen to him. His counterpart at my previous company, on one occasion, came under investigation and was terrified that he might be charged with fraud and end up in prison. (He got away with it, but there were lots of office jokes at his expense.)
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Oh! Dozy my heart sinks...still amazes me at the entrenched human machinations...church, business, personal...life is not easy, somehow we are still asked to say "yes" to life...
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Oh, yeah. And that's the ONLY attitude that makes it worthwhile getting out of bed every morning.

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