Nope. I never fell asleep on the job. That's a good way to fall off of a roof or ladder.
When the baby first came sleep was at a premium. If kept dozing on and of in front of my computer terminal at work. For what ever the reason I put dark glasses on. It was late in the evening when a maintenance man came by and said he would have to ask me to shut down the computer because they had to work on the power lines. Apparently I slept the whole day and into the evening. It was 08:00 PM. To this day no one ever said a word, including me. Back then I didn't snore.
No, but I sometimes slept on the train. One morning I was wakened by somebody snoring very loudly. I looked around to see who it was and everybody was looking back at me.
Not "caught," but I did do it once.
But I have always maintained that it was the fault of the guy speaking at the time.
No, but I had a job in a department store where we had an hour for lunch. It took me 10 minutes to go home and 10 minutes back. I would go home and get a power nap in.
One afternoon we couldn't find one of the stock guys. When management went looking for him they found him asleep behind some boxes in the upstairs stock room. Needless to say, he was without a job after that.
I got caught sleeping in class today, does thwt count?
I go to bed whenever i need because i am freelancer.