
How Is Math Used In Architecture?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Math is used architecture every angle, wall length and everything like that must be exact so the building does not fall over when a lot of people go inside of it.  Mathematics is essential to the study and practice of Architecture. Every detail, big nor small should have exact measurements. The angles of the roof, the thickness of a wall, the amount of materials that will be used, calculating the exact location of a building and even the number of detail, these all includes math.  Math, just like languages is one of the most vital subject required for survival. Without a strong knowledge of math in this new day and age, life would be very difficult. A lot of students complain about math i.e. Its difficulty etc., but there are many uses for the different topics you learn in maths. For example simple daily shopping requires some knowledge of math especially where money computations are involved.  In spite of what some students say, math is an essential in the real world. Without the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide man would be living in the stone age once again.  More complex mathematics have made possible the unthinkable a century ago, sending men to the moon, building structures that defy logic, computers, television and radio transmissions, and the list goes on.  Each morning I awaken to my mathematical time measure, my clock. I make myself a cup of coffee which requires one teaspoon (mathematical measure) of coffee per cup (measure) of water. The water is heated to 160 degrees (mathematics) farenheit, and I watch morning news. Then I bathe, and put on my size 33 waist (measure) pants, and (sized) shirt.  The point is obvious, every single thing that I wear is measured to fit me, and all measuring is done by mathematics. You, literally, cannot figure a pay check without math. Is math used in the real world? You bet, almost every minute of every day. Being unable to do basic math is equal to being disabled, it is a handicap.  Any student that truly thinks that math is not important is destined to become a needlessly disadvantaged adult, and an embarrassment to the society that nurtured them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Architecture is combination of maths, science, arts, a small part commerce and law. It is said that an architect should have the skills of an artist, buisiness man and also a scientist.
We use math not only to calculate areas,volumes and proportions but also to calculate loads, stresses etc. Trignometry, differentiation, integration are also used sometimes. Many times, all the calculation part is done by structural engineers. But an architect should be aware of structures to make his building stand.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Math is used extensively in Architectural Engineering for establishing the dimensions of rooms and buildings, and in structural analysis and to determine cost.  We trust these people to design and build structures that are safe and not fall down, and they need to do the proper analysis to make sure the beams are the right sizes to handle the loads imposed on them.  Then once it's designed properly, someone has to add up how much it costs to build.
Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
Mathematics is an essential component of architecture is used extensively to calculate measurement and to determine angles. Carl Friedrich Gauss famously said that mathematics was "The Queen of the Sciences".

A number of philosophers assume that mathematics is not experimentally falsifiable and hence it is not a science. Architecture in its basic sense means the art and science of creating building and structures. Planned architecture usually influences space, dimensions, consistency, luminosity, shadow, or abstract components in order to attain satisfying aesthetics.

In the stream of building architecture, the expertise demanded of an architect vary from the further complex, such as for a hospital or a stadium, to the actually simpler ones like planning and designing residential houses. It is a must that an architect has excellent calculation skills which are vital for any sort of construction.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Architects use math a lot. When they need to measure construction projects.Also when they plan buildings and stuff they have to make sure that they use their geometry correctly so the walls are sturdy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How difficult is the maths that is used. E.g. Is it as complex as sin waves cosine waves, logathermic and expotential graphs tc.. Or is it more like base times hieght and pythag .

And by exact maths do you mean accurate calculations or surds?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To measure the materials being used

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