What Are The Job Opportunities At ISRO For A B.Tech ECE Graduate? What Will The Recruiting Process Be? How Often Do They Recruit?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Doing 2nd year ECE in Chennai college and 2 more years to complete the course. In mean time would like to know about the parallel courses from 3rd or 4th year to enter into ISRO related jobs, not interested in IT field. Please advice in this regard.
Mary Frederick Profile
Mary Frederick answered
There appear to be few job opportunities at ISRO to be found on the Internet. There are a couple of listing on the website Freshersworld.com. I was unable to find any information related to their recruiting process or if there are only certain times they do recruiting. The ISRO website is being sold apparently and right now there is not a lot of information available other than what can be found in the News.

According to an article published on the Aviation & Aerosapce website ISRO is in the midst of a talent crunch and seeking all kinds of ECE's and others to fill the gab. Supposedly, consideration is being given to developing a training institute of their own to the train the personnel they need. I would recommend you contact ISRO by sending a letter to the Director of Personnel along with a CV. You may get a big break this way!

There appear to be many opportunities available with other companies across India. The website Freshersworld.com is worth you taking look, because this site has a lot of job opportunities for B.Tech ECE's.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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