
How Do I Become An A Level Teacher To Teach At A College?


2 Answers

jerome penn Profile
jerome penn answered
In order to teach A Level at a college you would most certainly need a degree in your chosen field of expertise. In order to receive the best chance of being employed, you should also ensure that your degree is of a high standard.

Although you should have taken your first steps towards teaching A Level with a first degree in your particular subject; some colleges may have their own specific criteria. For example, you may be required to hold a master’s degree in your teaching subject as opposed to a bachelor’s degree. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that this is not the case with every college. This means you should always consult the education institution you are interested at working in beforehand.

You are also required to have a qualification in teaching. Although this sounds obvious, it is vital if you want to teach. You should have a qualification for Further Education Training or Adult Education Training if you wish to be considered as a teacher.

However, some colleges may recognise the qualifications you already have and could allow you to work towards your teacher training qualification simultaneously to actually working with them. This may be as a teaching assistant or some other duty with them. This would all be dependent on your own personal experience with teaching as well as the college’s rules and regulations regarding the subject.

If you do not have that much experience and the college appears reluctant to offer you a job; you could always enquire into an alternative method of gaining more experience, such as teaching Adult Education classes.

It is also important to note that some areas of teaching may require different levels of qualification. For example, with languages you may be required to hold a National Vocational Qualification in order to be considered.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
To teach A level, you yourself would normally be expected to have at least a first degree in the subject(s) you want to teach. There are colleges which prefer a master's degree, but generally a bachelor's is fine. If your specialist subject is in short supply (this often happens with sciences and certain languages, for example) it is more likely that an alternative qualification such as NVQ level 4 would be accepted, but you would have to ask the individual college.

Nowadays you are also expected to have a teaching qualification, preferably in Further and Adult Education Teaching. Again, if a college needs you it is more likely to be flexible about this - sometimes it's possible to start work while working towards an official qualification - but it would depend on several things including the type of college and your own level of experience. By the way, if you are looking to gain experience and your local FE colleges don't seem willing to offer you a job, you could try offering to teach an Adult Education class instead - they are often more flexible about their requirements.

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