The main feature of british constitution is that it is unwritten and has been gradually developed and has been come to modern form.main sources of british constitution are " political traditions, customs, conventions,charters,judicial decisions, important historic incidents etc.arslan ghous
The main sources are 6.statutes,common law,conventions,books of eminent writers,european union law and charters
I want to know the main sources of british constitution
Source: By the word 'source' is intended the official source of a rule which confers legal power ahead that rule. The expression source may also be used in other sanity: hence the past sources of a written constitution contain both the urgent conditions in which it was framed and adopted, and also the long-term factors which inclined its making.
Nature of the Constitution: If the United Kingdom obsessed a written constitution, the major rules of legitimate law would be limited within it. Alterations to these regulations would be made by the process laid down for alteration of the structure. In all prospect, Parliament would be certified to make comprehensive condition for such matters as the machinery of elections and the formation of the courts. If a court exercised the purpose of interpreting and applying the constitution in uncertain cases, its decisions would be a reliable sign of the importance of the constitution.
Kind of the rules of the Constitution: The set of laws of the British Constitution may be separated as Legal Rules and Non-Legal Rules. In the lack of a unwritten constitution, the main sources of legal rules of the constitution may be described as; Legislation, case law, the general law suitable, understanding of decree law, judicial pattern, custom, and secondary sources.
Nature of the Constitution: If the United Kingdom obsessed a written constitution, the major rules of legitimate law would be limited within it. Alterations to these regulations would be made by the process laid down for alteration of the structure. In all prospect, Parliament would be certified to make comprehensive condition for such matters as the machinery of elections and the formation of the courts. If a court exercised the purpose of interpreting and applying the constitution in uncertain cases, its decisions would be a reliable sign of the importance of the constitution.
Kind of the rules of the Constitution: The set of laws of the British Constitution may be separated as Legal Rules and Non-Legal Rules. In the lack of a unwritten constitution, the main sources of legal rules of the constitution may be described as; Legislation, case law, the general law suitable, understanding of decree law, judicial pattern, custom, and secondary sources.