What Situational Factors Determine Successful Leadership?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In addition to the personal situational factors
mentioned here by 'pencil', from an organizational development perspective, we would minimally need to see these situational factors present for effective/successful leadership: An organizational/group culture or environment that is is based on trust among group members and the one doing the leading 2) a functional, efficient and aligned infrastructure and systems (technical, financial, interpersonal, compensatory, etc, which facilitate communication, work execution, planning, organizing, and managing) 3) Authority and accountability alignment 4) an environment that limits power struggles and politicking for personal gain re: Fair recognition and/or compensation for effort 5) systems and processes are available to the leader to effect change and move on initiatives and priorities 6) a clear sense of and buy-in among those being led for direction and mission for the group 7) basic understanding of what motivates group members to perform or accomplish the mission, and an ability to reward based on those motivators.
suman kumar Profile
suman kumar answered
True leadership qualities come out when you are under pressure. When the person is able to sustain the pressure from all doors and come out with his team members in flying colors. Then he is a successful leader
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
Experience, the ability to organize and delegate task to individuals that are the best for the job. Quick and rational thinking. The ability to keep a cool head in a hot situation, as in when tragedy strikes you don't panic but can think rationally on solutions for the issue. Knowledge and good sense. Being modest and the ability to share success and accept the responsibility for mistakes in a positive manner. Being positive and being able to motivate others to action. Making others think it is there idea without the need for ego and praise which you share and delegate to those that are working with you. These are some but a real leader leads from the front not the back. They will also walk into the fire and defend their troops from the heat. Give and share among those that are being lead.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Although these are great qualities, I would see these factors more as interpersonal characteristics, skills, and abilities, rather than as situational factors.
jude manoj Profile
jude manoj answered
First to be successful leader throw out your bloody anger and other thing which hurts others from you...live your own way wit all others approval in your team.....simple to say take everything easy you...
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
Situational factors might include but are not limited to Birth Order[more presidents are first-borns] Personality, are you assertive and able to instill confidence? Do you care about people? Are you willing to be or do what you ask of others. Are your emotions controlled by sensibility, or logic? First and foremost, can you control your FEAR. Do others come to you for advice? If so, you may have leadership capabilities.

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