In addition to the personal situational factors
mentioned here by 'pencil', from an organizational development perspective, we would minimally need to see these situational factors present for effective/successful leadership: An organizational/group culture or environment that is is based on trust among group members and the one doing the leading 2) a functional, efficient and aligned infrastructure and systems (technical, financial, interpersonal, compensatory, etc, which facilitate communication, work execution, planning, organizing, and managing) 3) Authority and accountability alignment 4) an environment that limits power struggles and politicking for personal gain re: Fair recognition and/or compensation for effort 5) systems and processes are available to the leader to effect change and move on initiatives and priorities 6) a clear sense of and buy-in among those being led for direction and mission for the group 7) basic understanding of what motivates group members to perform or accomplish the mission, and an ability to reward based on those motivators.
mentioned here by 'pencil', from an organizational development perspective, we would minimally need to see these situational factors present for effective/successful leadership: An organizational/group culture or environment that is is based on trust among group members and the one doing the leading 2) a functional, efficient and aligned infrastructure and systems (technical, financial, interpersonal, compensatory, etc, which facilitate communication, work execution, planning, organizing, and managing) 3) Authority and accountability alignment 4) an environment that limits power struggles and politicking for personal gain re: Fair recognition and/or compensation for effort 5) systems and processes are available to the leader to effect change and move on initiatives and priorities 6) a clear sense of and buy-in among those being led for direction and mission for the group 7) basic understanding of what motivates group members to perform or accomplish the mission, and an ability to reward based on those motivators.