I'm 13, hoping to become a police women and picking my subjects this year aswell, also I have noticed its a lot of 13 year olds that are asking these questions , you don't actually need to take PE, I mean you could be on the heavier side of weight or a total twig, an it doesn't matter, aslong as you can run atleast a mile then you are ok, but apart from that, I am picking modern studies,maths, english, science, and some others just for extra qaulifications, but incase you don't become a police officer you should choose your other subjects wisely
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Ask you , Police officer , Andreana-Many years in law enforcement
I am a 17 year old student and I also want to became a police lady officer. To achieve this the subjects you must take are maths,english,history of your state and PE, so that you are fit and have a lot of energy
I want to be police women and I'm not sure what subject to take in college
In most cities, you need at least a high school diploma or a GED. If you would like to increase your chances of getting hired, strive for at least an associates degree, preferably a bachelors. Criminal justice, public administration, and business are good degrees to pursue. Best of luck.