Henry Assael was fascinated in understanding why consumers chose to buy the goods they did, and he came up with a list of four unique "buying behaviors" that consumers displayed when he studied how consumers were:
a) involved with the goods they bought
b) how the different goods/services differed from one another
This lead to 4 key areas in the consumer choice model:
- Packaging
- Brand Extension
- Logistics
- Marketing communications (integrated and direct marketing)
For more information on Henry Assael's studies, please see: www.slideshare.net/smumbahelp/mb0046-marketing-management-30
As for the actual Henry Assael Model of buying decision behaviour, I think this image depicts it very well:
I would also recommend taking a look at this marketing management course offered by SMU Indore.
It has many diagrams of the Consumer Buying Behavior in the following pages:
Further reading you may enjoy is the NYU Stern page detailing the faculty biography and work of Henry Assael:
His interests are listed as:
- Media Research
- Market Segmentation
- Advertising Evaluation
- Survey Research Methods