
How Much Salary Does An Average Finance Manager Earn Per Year In Australia?


2 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The average annual earnings of finance managers in Australia and New Zealand (that is, the average annual earnings of finance managers on both sides of the Tasman Sea) vary greatly. One of the major plus points of working in an industry such as finance in a country like Australia is that finance managers have the potential to earn an extraordinarily high annual salary if they are successful in their chosen field or area of specialisation.

The average annual earnings of finance managers on both sides of the Tasman Sea, that is the average annual earnings of finance managers in both Australia and New Zealand, is approximately $65, 000. On the other hand, the average annual earnings of new recruits in the field of finance on both sides of the Tasman Sea, that is in both Australia and New Zealand, are in the range of between $30, 000 and $40, 000.
Mary Frederick Profile
Mary Frederick answered
It appears Finance Manager salaries vary a great deal dependent upon the area of finance: Banking, Manufacturing, Colleges/Universities, Retail Markets, as well as the area of expertise for the Manager. Salaries also vary dependent upon the training and experience of the Manager.

In researching your question I found a salary range from 32,000K upward to 98,000K. This included a benefits package with amenities such as parking, vacations and so forth. However, these were figures from 2006 as there were no current figures listed on free to search Websites. Some websites with more specific information charge a membership fee to research the information.

I would suggest a local search in the area of Australia you are interested in working. Look through finance positions available. You should find some average beginning salaries listed in the classified ads. You may be able to get information through a job referral service.

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