1. So you are in the category of people that don't know what they want to do, it's not really that uncommon at all. You don't have the luxury of being able to focus single-mindedly like those that were born knowing exactly what they want to do, but rest assured, even some of those people would question their choices later on. The only thing that should worry you is if you think doing something that you will later regret is a waste of time. Believe me, everything that happens to you in life is a lesson to be learnt, and those that are successful learn more from experiences than those who don't.
2. Most people I know become more focused and know what they want after doing their first job. Same thing is supposed to apply with relationships. If anything, at least you now know what you don't want to do, or if it is not the right time, then you still know what you could be coming back into. Therefore, there is no way you should be in a position with no options, as long as you are willing to spend more time working or studying to get closer to where you want to go.
Some people spend their whole time looking for the perfect job, and other spend the whole time trying to enjoy whatever it is that they actually do. You can decide what kind of person you would rather be, because there is no definite answer to the question.