Not really. If you don't want them paid that much don't watch their games. Don't attend their matches. Don't buy their team merchandise. Don't buy stuff from their sponsors. Some kid playing games on YouTube can make millions, just because people want to watch the kid play video games and commentate. Same thing with online streamers on Twitch.TV. People subscribe and they donate because they enjoy watching these streamers.
You ALWAYS have the option NOT to. But it will remain the same as long as these people have passionate fans.
Yes you are correct. They should not be paid in millions but the same as executives working for corporations. The same goes for movie stars. They are simply too overpaid and its a very unfair system to pay them so much money. My personal opinion is that professional athletes should be paid more than the average person because they put in a lot of physical effort. But movie starts deserve much less than the millions they are paid.
Not at all. I am sure you know nothing about what it takes to be a successful athletic. For example, Soccer, do you really think it's easy to be a even a simple middle rated soccer player ?
It takes a great among of physical strength, stamina, health, power & a high level of psychological health & focus, & daily practice,training, exercise & flexibility with a full time diet. Soccer is a math by itself, playing it takes such strong focus, (example: When you having the ball,you need to be able to see your current position on the field, your opposite, & your teammates,& estimate, how much run with the ball, how pass the ball, what happens next & how that movement of yours will guide the team through the attacking position). (Or as a forward, you need to estimate, how to position yourself, how run by the defender to not cut up into offside in the same time creating a great attacking position, how to stop the ball to make yourself in scoring position & be able dribble & pass the defender & also seeing goalkeeper before all, so shoot to the best condition to beat the goalkeeper & score a goal) . . .
I would expect to be paid millions of dollar for all these things I do, because I deserve it, because for every single practice or movement I make, I suffered, sweated & tried hard, the money I get is my deserve. So no, athletics not been over paid.
Well, their job includes a LOT of exercise and injury, too. I wouldn't say over-paid. The idea there is, that the sports have millions, sometimes billions of fans (in case of football). And this is great for advertisers. Basically, you are an athlete and you do well - you have the chance to sign contracts with various brands. That's where the big money come from.
Yes, agree. In my opinion, the athletes bear lot of pressure, so even they are overpaid I think they deserve this.