Are lawyers overpaid or charge too much?


4 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I think most are overpaid for what they do but the one I've had for many years doesn't charge that much and the best thing is ? I trust him to handle my affairs.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

My lawyer is reasonable and does a good job.


There's a tale about a lawyer who went to Heaven (really) and was met by St. Peter who personally ushered him inside to an enormous celebratory party. Big Petey explained, "You're the first person in history to live longer than Methuselah."

The lawyer was astonished and said, "But I died at age 48."

So Pete called out his elves and set them to work recalculating. Then he came back to the lawyer and said, "Sorry, it was a computer glitch. We added up all the hours you billed your clients."

Maurice Korvo Profile
Maurice Korvo answered

Charge way too much and are overpaid... Until you need one. Then they are worth every penny. :)

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Depends on how much winning your legal battle means to you, I suppose.

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