Why do some employers think they could disrespect employees and deny them vacation pay?


5 Answers

Soul Fly Profile
Soul Fly answered

If you can prove it you may have a lawsuit on your hands.

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

Vacation is a benefit that is stipulated prior to employment, if it is not in your employment package then it's not a denial. Vacation pay is not a given, EVEN under union situations, it is a part of your employment package, if it's not in the contract, then you do not get it. There is no law stating you get vacation pay.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

If you don't have a contract with your employer specifying your salary and benefits, and absent any laws to the contrary, whatever your employer does is based upon what he feels like doing.

The primary purpose of a "right to work" state is to give employers the option of minimizing the amount of the compensation and perks that they are required to give to their employees.

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@Charles Davis

And yours is a high level misunderstanding of reality. In order to match the bargaining power of an employers, individuals need to organize in some fashion.

I was a union steward for 15 years. We are essentially the police and the lawyers (for non-criminal issues) in the workplace. We are leaders and frequently better trained and usually more knowledgeable about the freely agreed upon contract negotiated between union and employer.

I once had a management individual finally settle a grievance involving a "cease and desist" after telling me that "he really didn't think I knew he couldn't do that."

While unions represent all workers---members or not---non-union workers tend to "negotiate" individual deals with management for more favorable individual work conditions for themselves.

For more information, read some works by Monsignor George Higgins “The Labor Priest” (1916-2002): Worker’s Rights Advocate, Journalist.

"Msgr. Higgins attended seminary at University of St. Mary of the Lake where he was ordained in 1940. After ordination, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Economics in 1942 and a Ph.D in Labor Economics in 1944 at the Catholic University of America."
Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
I won't debate you on the subject, i will only state that I do know what I am talking about. I was also a union steward as well and was appointed to the organizing committee, safety committee, and the negotiating committee. As it was a construction union (IBEW) our stewards and committees are shorter term then for manufacturing unions (such as it sounds you were a member of). I have worked in both right to work states, and non-right to work states. I have held positions in labor and management (currently in management). I also do not agree with the right to work ideals.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I have been a federal worker at various times in my career and also members of those and other committees.

You have a right to generalize based on your personal experience in a union management environment.

That may or may not indicate that you know what you are talking about when you extrapolate too specifically.
otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

I worked at chrysler dodge and chevy dealerships here in tx their is no uaw. U can fired for anything getting sick is a no no u might be replaced

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