
Can my employer retaliate against me for reporting discrimination?


1 Answers

Christine Cook Profile
Christine Cook answered

Legally, your employer cannot retaliate against you for reporting discrimination. Federal and state laws protect you when you bring up concerns about discrimination at your workplace.

That said, you need to be careful, because you can still face legal repercussions if you break any laws or contracts in the process of reporting the discrimination. The nuts and bolts of this can get complicated, which is why you should probably talk to a Los Angeles employment attorney as a first step before you take any other action.

I can give you an example of a common pitfall. You are legally protected if you report discrimination to the proper authorities. But if you, for example, post a video of that discrimination on social media, that post may not be protected. Especially if it contains private company information that violates your NDA and is irrelevant to the discrimination.

So talk to an attorney, and use the right channels to contact the proper authorities. That's the best way to protect yourself. Following proper procedures also makes investigating the company easier.

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