
How To Become An Actress For Disney Channel?


116 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To become an actress for Disney channel, there are a number of things to take note of.

Firstly you need to become familiar with the types of actresses who are on your favourite Disney shows.  A good way to do this is by looking at websites as well as watching the shows.  You also need to make sure you have a talent which a show can use, there are hundreds of thousands of people who can sing and dance, so you need to make sure you have got something special which makes you stand out from the others.

Ideally you need to be within commuting distance of New York City and Hollywood as these are where the studios are based.  You must be willing to relocate once you get the job as it is more than likely you will be required to do so. 

Making sure you can keep up with your schoolwork is another important factor as it is imperative that you maintain good grades as well as work.

Many colleges offer acting classes which are suitable for all ages, it is a good idea to attend these as this will give you more advantage of becoming a Disney actress.

Singing classes are also important even if you can sing already as most Disney actresses have gone on to make a fortune in the music industry.

It makes sense to attend every audition possible.  Some lucky girls get through on their first audition, but others can have a lot more auditions before they land a role.

Practice and patience are two vital things to learn when wanting to become a budding Disney actress.  You will spend a lot of time waiting round for auditions, and it is important to practice whilst in this waiting period.

Recognise that family time and school work are also important to you as well as, of course, being a Disney actress!

If you are up for the task and you really do want to become an actress for the Disney channel, then who knows, you could be the next Alex Russo in Wizards of Waverly Place!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi its Miley Cyrus! Lol it took a while to become an actress on Disney! I also had a bit of help since my dad was a famous singer. Just keep looking on the web and in books or newspapers and contact as many people as you can.. Phone calls, emails. Or written letters! If you have talent anyone will take you!! Good luck!!!!! :)
  Miley Cyrus!
thanked the writer.
Ellie-Jo Oconnell
Even if you live in the Uk in tiny little Cornwall do you still have a chance with Disney Channel. I'D love to be an actress and i think i'd be good at it so please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Miley can you help me i think you are fabulous and i want to become an actress can you give me some tips on how to achieve my dream

abbie land
SidrA Tasneem Profile
SidrA Tasneem answered
Well Disney channel take auditions every year for junior actors and actress so you can participate in those auditions when it will be advertised in newspaper so that you can get chance to work at Disney and become actress.
thanked the writer.
View all 8 Comments
Bonnie  Stanley
Bonnie Stanley commented
Hello I live in Cornwall in England and I'm 13 does anyone know how I can start becoming an actress I go to a boarding school in penzance and in year 9 they don't have drama lessons anymore is there anything that will help me fulfill my dream ? :)
Anonymous commented
Hello my name is Caitlin McMullen and i am 12 years of age and i go to mortimer wilson school. I live at 545 John williamson street. Ne33 5hp. Since i was 10 i wanted to be a actor. If i was ever to audition to be famous i would hope to get through and actually become famous. My life would totaly change. I would be happy. Thank you for reading this comment. Heres my number 07821003228.
Anonymous commented
I live in glasgow will I be considered for a disney channel job ???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its wonderful to have dreams, to one day dream of bieng what you want to be then accomplishing it. But to be an actress is a tough goal. Many people want this,like they say you have to be one in a million. Someone might be luckier than you, have better connections or is more talented.You can't just want this because you want be the next hannah or selena, you can't want it because you want to get fame, money, attention. You have to LOVE it. Because when you become an actress or actor everything will be different. Getting your schoolwork done will be tough, waking up early for shooting, sleeping late, memorizing lines, uncomfortable situations. NO ONE can really say "oh my god I WANT TO BE AN ACTRESS ILL GIVE EVERYTHING UP TO BE ONE" Once you are one its not easy. Some dreamers don't even make it to their dream. Now, I'm lucky to me a mestizo living in Philippines. Its not easy to exactly be an actress here but once you have a pretty face you have a BIGG chance to make it. Plus, my uncle has a connection to a famous manager to a superstar here. He manages many stars and stars come to his friends house a lot. So to those who arent so lucky as me GOODLUCK even if I have good connections I still have to take singing, dancing, and acting classes. LOVE YALL
If you really want it you can make IT
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well a lot of people have told me that you need an agent.
Trust me I really need that too.
But I don't know what destiny holds 4 me!
They say that if you don't have an agent you can't or it's really hard 2 do and get disney channel auditions and they say that if you send in an head shot and resume but you don't have an agent
Well I told you what I knew.
Now I have 2 go and work on my dream 2 become an disney channel actress.
I hope your dream come's true!!!! Is there a person in this world who knows exactly what 2 do 2 get this.
I'm sorry but I can't go an ask SELENA GOMEZ!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to find an audition , you can find these by typing DISNEY AUDITIONS into google and it is the first site which shows up , click on it and if you get it then go to it and audition , make sure that you give off the impression that you are a good role model and have a unique personality. Try watching audition tapes for disney on YOUTUBE where there are the audition tapes for present disney channel stars like MILEY CYRUS and you will sort of know what to expect. Also remember to know that you have talent and show it , if you know that you don't have any talent what so ever then don't even bother because you will know that you won't get the part and that some one with some talent will get it instead. But if you truly believe that you have talent and that you stand a chance at getting it then try again and again if you get rejected .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to be an actor on disney channel too!!!! It is also my dream!! My advice is to take up some acting lessons...I am trying to do this but it still doesnt get me anywhere!!
I would love to do movies and tv shows or anything!!!! Don't WORRY PEOPLE I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!! Someone please help!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Be you self. Like be nice to people and have a great voice and be in camera and try to write song buy you self and  when you  in the camera try to sing you song and respect other people cause if you dream going to happen you need to have respect cause when you be a star maybe you going to thing about judged others people tha's because you famous and you need give them  like good information about you and make good thing happened .show them you  Talent and what you got and what you can do so don't judged the people  about the nation  or whatever  that ''s  something  you got inside you heart and tha's going to help you be astar  and the going to like you like the others people so that's maybe help you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That's great, but I have one warning:
Are you pursuing this dream because of your love for acting and entertaining? Or are you following this because you want to become famous?
Sounds like a random question, but I give my warning:
A lot of girls follow this dream because they want the fame, the glamour, the attention.
Being a celebrity isn't all fun and games like it's portrayed. Being a celebrity means loosing your privacy. Being a celebrity means sacrificing your life. Once you're famous, you can NEVER undo it. One a celebrity, always a celebrity. Think about it. You could never walk your dog around the neighborhood without being swarmed by paparazzi. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but believe me, it is not anywhere CLOSE to being fun.
That's just my opinion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well how 2 become an actress you have to pratice everyday do a lot of plays in middle n highschool and also do play write.
And ask your drama teacher for sum acting roles. And once you get the hang of it your ready 2
go on the big screen
Jasmine Simpson Profile
Jasmine Simpson answered
Post youtube videos of you acting or singing, people become famous off of there. You know like Justin Bieber? Greyson?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 10 years old and I WOULD DO ANYTHING to become an actress on Disney Channel I have a great voice and I'm a great actress and can dance good when I learn them.BUT the thing is I'm from Ireland so I don't even know if I can get an agent.PLEASE PLEASE HELP Its been my dream since I was 4!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dream was to be an actress. I can sing well and dance also act like I'm in the moment I'm 12 years old and maybe I'm young but I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it...I know it could be in possible but never think anything is impossible just find a way... For me I don't need an agent my  aunt is already an agent and my uncle is a would be SO cool if I was an actress or a famous singer in Japan my dream the way my hometown is vietnamese
J35513 (Jessie) Profile
J35513 (Jessie) answered
Just take your time! Don't go through Be. Productions. They are rip-offs! Start off acting in your area and then work your way up. Don't get too excited because a lot of things won't work out! When I started, I was singing. I loved being the center of attention when I was around the age of 8! Just have fun with what you love. Don't just act because you want to get money or be famous or work with famous people! Do it because you love it, like me!

Have fun ~ MC
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I love to sing and act I'm rlly good at it and I'm 13 how do I get discovered by Disney Channel I took modeling and acting classes at Barbizon in Florida I got chosen to go to competition but it was going to cost my parents $765 dollars to fly in the agents from England and Disney and everywhere else around the world and we couldnt afford it. My friends family teachers everyone around me tells me I'm a good singer/actress and its been my dream since I was 6 to be a star!!!! Selena Gomez could you plz give me some advice. I was going to audition for Americas Got Talent but they passed on the weekend of Valentines day I rlly need help... I have no idea where to start and I don't know where to go for Auditions... I NEED HELP PLZ HELP...DO YOU know about any audtitions for any shows commercials anything coming up for Diney Channel if so plz let me know thank you soooooooooooo much PEACE OUT!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 13 and I really want to become an actress but the thing is I live in australia and not many directors and stuff like that visit there and my parents would never want to move to America and I'm finding it really hard. I have wanted to become an actress every since I started watching television. I have been in the choir in dance classes in drama classes at school and in musicals at my school and it is the BEST thing performing and acting on stage and I hope someone reads this. I hope at least ONE person on this page will get to the top :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I m looking for same. I want to be part of disney channel from my childhood. So I can say best of luck to all who wants same as me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To become an actress for disney channel you have to want it more than any thing in the world . Like me would give up every thing . I would not take advantage of it like lynsey lo han no eff ense I would be so  to every one who did this for me . Any way this is all I want!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I know i reely want to become famous no matter if they tell me i cant i going to reach out there for my dream and nothing is going to stop me cuz i want all this more than anything even by not getting nothing a whole year not even clothe or shoes nothin just to become famous on disney channel and to be recgnized out there that i can be like selena gomez or hannah montan!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Hi I am 14 and i would love to be a Disney Channel Actress. My friends keep telling me how good I am at acting and how much I need to go out there and show the world my talent. If you could just let me know how i can become an actress for Disney Channel i would give everything i have to be there. If you know how much this means to me then you know that you need to let me know and that I AM YOUR NEXT BIG BREAK...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 12 years old and living in east london ENGLAND and it is really hard to become a disney channel actress while living here. To become a disney channel actress whilst living her IS ONE ON A MILLION because round here you don't really meet to right set of people like agent former actors or famous friends plus most disney channel most disney channel actresses have some type of connections from when they were younger on a different T.V show or have famous parents (AKA Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know exactly but I want to be a disney star too I was told if you are from england like me the you go to london and there is this disney productions place that you go to (same with america) and you ask if you can see a number of scrips choose the 1 you think will start you off in fame and audition I didnt believe it was that easy but I'm going to try it soon because I'm only 12 and a half and I'm in school so I can't just leave school randomly and plus after college in moving to america so  I find my life
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 11 and I have always wanted to become and actress on disney channel of nickelodeon.  I love working with people and have an amazing voice. I've wanted this since I was 4. I live in connecticut and have been in one play but I truly have the abilities. I hope and agent reads this because I'd give anything to be an actress. Its been my dream and I hope to follow it. Good luck to all you others. Maybe I'm not the only one who can't succeed :(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey well I too want to become an actress but I don't care where ,,and if you really want to be an actress it shouldn't matter where you appear just that you get the opportunity to live your dream and hopefully enjoy doing it,
Much love,,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anything's know why ? Because I have done ANYTHING to be known,and know I have to go to L.A for auditons...I am so happy!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Oooooo lucky but how did u do that..cos ive been dreamin 2 but i wunna know how.cos my mom said ur still a child u need to focus on your studyin b4 ur old were u? Help!? :p
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well . . . I have the same question! It depends where you live and your talent. I live in Vermont. Not many people even know about it. But my aunt and uncle may be moving to LA. My uncle's going to make a lot of money since he works for a movie producing company. We may move there but . . . Well . . . It will cost a lot of money and I don't want to leave my friends but I really want this. If you truly want to convince your parents to at least let you try to audition for something. Talk to them and tell them you really want this. If you make it they will give you the money. So do what you heart says!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am amy 14 yrs old and I have a scrap book of all the things I have done Since I was 3 , I do so much drama dancing and singing . It is my dream to do this an I have never let this go passed me there is nothing better I can dream of doing, the thing is I live in dorset which is so far a way from any place that do the thing I want to do but I would do anything if I knew I had a shot I would go there and I know my family are right behind me. They believe in me and that really helps me to fill my dream I just need some help on how to get there and what I need to do. Please give me some advice !!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi, I am 15 and I just want to be an actor I love acting I am really good with drama. Lol. I really don't have that much experiance but I am a rally observant student, and I learn really quick. Thx
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
If you have confidence and you are good looking then you can get job in Disney Channel as an Actress.Go for an audition and give your best shot. I am sure that you will be successful as you have big dreams.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to be good at drama.
You have to practice a lot to be an actress.
You have to be confidence.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to be good at drama.
You have to practice a lot to be an actress.
You have to be confidence.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi. I want to get on disney channel but there is no way I can I get on disney channel. How do I  get my own show on disney channel.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 12 and I want to become an actress so bad but everyone says you can't do it but I know I can.I live in ireland so there isn't as many chances as there is in america or australia or something.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I'm  13 an I want to know how to become an actress at the age of 16 and  I'm coming from jamaica I would even like to meet actresses an actors in  hollywood an america an all  over the world . Thank you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should go to acting classes and get an agent and keep on auditioning one day I'm going to be famous and be a model,singer,veterinarian and actress and be a good role model
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to a actor please I something to get famous I to act I need I will do any thing you can google my mom princess oh that my name and my mom
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to look on the internet to see of they are any ads or on the news paper start off small like on a commercial then go holly wood :}
Hannah Shaw Profile
Hannah Shaw answered
Me too! I do know how to though...go onto the website and go onto auditions and it will come up with a whole list of places to go to audition. They're all in America though...good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to an acting club and tell them that you would like to work 4 disney channel they will have an answer 4 you and if they don't look on the internet for an agent in ireland
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 10 years old and I live in manchester and I want to be a famous actor on disney channel but I don't know how
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You go to california hollywood to become an actress and go to acting school in new york or california
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 11 years old and I really want to be an actor its my dream I act at plays is really important to me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to google and searched www.disney channel
I want to do the same thing I been searching everything or you can go on google and type Disney auditions,disney channel auditions thats it .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey! Everybody has their own dreams and ambitions and one day you will get a chance to have a go at living your dream!
Trust me I know I used to go to drama club/acting class, I am really good at acting and a couple of years ago I was the main role in a play and 5 minutes before the play started I panicked as there was 12 talent scouts in the crowd! I don't regret my decision to back down and let an older person to take my role, they were ready for it and I wasn't I was only eight.
One day when I'm older I will have another go at getting my big break, but for now all you young people don't just focus on becoming famous for all you know you could be like me and not be ready! I'm not telling you to give up but don't make it your whole life try new things and you may surprise yourself and find something else you love as much! Keep trying to make your dreams come true but try harder when your a lot older, when your ready and have a better chance due to skills and experience.

From a teenager who learned from experience aged 14 xxxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Acting isn't that easy a career. Firstly, Millions of people want to act and only one in a million make it to what you would call fame. There are millions of 'actors' who spend their lives being waiters and doing the rare advert.
It's easy to get starry eyed with all the publicity and reality shows you see on TV, in the end you need talent, something that makes you stand out, confidence and (sorry to say this) a back up plan. Without a back up plan it's so easy for something to go wrong and without even realising it, you'll be on the streets.
Before I became a professional TV actress, I would think night and day about how much I wanted it. I started age 16  when I got noticed by a talent scout during a theatre production. Lastly, I would just add, you must want it with all your heart and you mustn't be too disappointed by the first hurdle.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To become a actress or actor you have to work on your singing tones. If its high and you like it keep tring it or if you like it low do that instead.Then do some dances or make up your own. I like to do that . PEACE!!!!!! Love Selena Gomez
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
HEy,I'm 25 years old turning 14 in October. I want to become an actress for Disney channel.I live in Mississippi so I don't know where to go from here. ALso can one of your family members be an agent.I already know it going to be can send me a e-mail to get me more information. Please.
Phoebe MadHat Profile
Phoebe MadHat answered
There are books at the library containing names and ways to get reliable agents. It'll take work, don't expect it to be a Cinderella story of you walking in and the producer saying "My god! She's the one!" It'll take practice, time, and charisma.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
hello.=]. well I'm 13 about to be 14 in September. how would i know when the auditions will be on the newspaper?
Phoebe MadHat
Phoebe MadHat commented
I suggest you actually e-mail or write the disney company (they should have contact info at the bottom of the site) and ask for updates on what they are doing and looking for.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All you have to do is do a lot of acting class r go to a big city like new york .they have lots of acting class.

-selena gomez
venessa  daley Profile
venessa daley answered
The thing is that you must be very  funny OH and I am a disney channel actress . You getting a reply from hannah montana .it is in united states of america and good luck I hope you may see me there whenever you comes . Thank you .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! I had ALWAYs wanted to be am actress and be bff with Emily grace reaves Noah Cyrus Miley Cyrus and be singer also but my parents don't have enough money someone please help me! I am 10 years old I live in Arizona
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to be an actress on disney channel because its one of my lifes dream if theres anything I can do please tell me and I will do it I'm BEGGING YOU THAT TO TELL ME what I NEED TO DO 2 BE FAMOUS!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are websites which tells you what roles are needed and offers you the chance to audition for certain parts of disney. I looked at these websites but I live in England so it didn't have any in my area but I hope these couple of websites help you. target="_blank" rel="external">

To be honest, I'm not too sure how every disney star really do get the auditions ...
Preethika Pinto Profile
Preethika Pinto answered
This is a very simple job to understand but difficult to get. You see everyone wants to be on TV but not everybody makes it. In order to become a Disney channel star you will have to first train yourself well. Firstly, try and be as presentable as possible and be a loud speaker. Be expressive as the channel isn't much scripted. Improve on your vocal skills and be impressive at presentation. Take care of your looks.

Lastly when all these things are taken care of,you can contact the agency of the Disney channel in your city and ask them when they will be auditioning. Their auditions are very difficult to get through so be prepared. Once you are aware of the auditions ,asking them over the phone on sample questions and tests. They will tell you about the auditioning program. Once you pass that you will become a star on the channel.
Bobby-Leigh Nelson Profile
Well first of all I have read all the messages on these sight and answered them all, I work on the set of disney channel I have meet all of the characters of all shows, but firstly you need to live in a big city like LA or New york you also need to take acting lessons this way if you are a good or even great actor or actress they will see the talent in you and they will send you off to a agent , this agent will then give you lots of different audition to see if you have the talent you will then be able to audition for any other program you like.

If you don't live in a big city they I'm sorry this will not happen, but you will be able to take acting lesson and hopefully people will see your talent , but in 99% sure that this will not happen :)
Maddy Barnes Profile
Maddy Barnes answered
This isn't much help but you need to have an agent, they can call people and talk and set up an audition, if you're that good, and since no more new shows are coming on Disney channel, maybe you can start one. If you don't have an agent, then you can look in your daily newspaper and see if there's anything for that, Hope this help you!! Good LUCK!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am seven years of age ,I have always wanted to be an actress on the Disney channel because it is the best channel in the universe , I am always telling jokes and acting daft in front of my family and especially my Nana's I  have a great voice but I am from England will that be a problem. Please help it has been my dream since I was 4.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wow, I want to become an actress for ABC family or disney channel so bad, I'm 11 and don't say your dream will NEVER come true! Never is just ever with an N in front of it. It will come true if you work hard and get experience. Don't sit and mope and dream and pray and wish, work for it! Get experience and get an agent and work on your singing/dancing/acting, and yes I mean all of those.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to become an actress
my name is Cynthia Arias I am 14 year old I go to high school 9 grader
becoming an actress has been my dream since I was in 5 grade I use to think I won't make it
But now that I go to this school I believe I can become an actress because we have project about our interest
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 11 years old and I wanted to become an actress all my life. I live in SC and there are absolutely NO agents here I can be discovered by. I asked my mom if we could go live in L.A so I might have a chance and her reply was NO! I HAVE AN AWESOME JOB HERE. She also said to think about the cost of the plane tickets and everything else and if I don't make it then that would be a total waste of money. I bugged her so much I got grounded. It was worth her knowing I was commited to my dream and HOPEFULLY she will feel bad about it ... But I doubt that.
Shanine-Sarah O'brien Profile
If you want to make it big as an actress then you should go to a acting school now, then go to a performing arts collage. Thats what I am doing now. (I'm 14 and live in england) then when I hit 18 I am moving to hollywood and getting an agent and I'm going to chace my dream. All I can't say to help you is practice your acting skills a lot and try different emotions. Then go to auditions, if you get turned down keep on trying! Don't let anything put you down. You can get there in the end if you try you best! Hope your dream comes true xxxxxxxx
charles mason Profile
charles mason answered
I don't know what grade you are in but if time permitting sign up for all the plays for now, sign up for as many drama classes at school(are there still drama classes at school these days).stay in good with the drama teachers and pump them for imformation.every body knows some one, if they are drama teachers there's a good reason for it and they probably have friends of same interests or a friend of their friend.And be prepared for discouragement, you wont fly to the moon over night and don't think that its not a dog eat dog world in the movie bizz.someone will just soon step on you to get closer to their dream.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I am 8 and I always wanted to become an actress!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hi kidz justin b. Here just letting you know follow your dreams......i know a website called take it from theregood luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I'm 12 and I've been looking for a while for my lil sis and me to be a star on disney but still do not have a result so if you figure any thing out just text me or call me at 1718 414 3607 and tell me what you found out because my 8 year old sister wants to be famous actress and me to.We live in New York and I think we might be able to catch catch and if we can result numbers I can do the same for you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I'm 11 to I want to become a actress also. I am starting out to become an actor so I might be on disney channel in a year or two. Hers some advice well my dad is a website maker so he is going to make a website for me its going to have the payment for photo-shoot tv show or a commercial so you  should go to to make a website. I was doing some research on how Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez got famous and I found that they had auditions in Hollywood for a disney show and she got the wizards of waverly place so try out and maybe I will see you there
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all, get into smaller plays and build up experience. Get a good agent who won't charge you for photo shoots or things like that, or who PROMISES you a job. Try to find a reliable source. And, most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!;-D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 11 and so do I your moving way to fast you have to take classes and search on the web for agencies
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I'm 11 and I'd like to be and Actress for a TV show or movie. Then I soon be able to prepare for America when I'm and older
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to be an actress really really bad and I have wanted it for a long time but where will the auditions be held
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I want to become an actress. May dream is playing a role for pirates of the caribbean 4. How do I get the role?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Am 12 and I want to be a actress for disney I wanted to be a actress when I was 10 so how can I be  one
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you should find an agency and also go try out for some audition. If you have the talent I think you should go for it. So good luck!!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get an agent that can help you throw all of the thing's that will be coming your way also,before you go big get acting classes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have found a website called contact any celebrity and you can join it but it costs (not a lot) and you can look up the singer, actress, actor and ask them questions about how to become what you want to be and ask about agents they can help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think every single person would want to have a chance at becoming famous, well because being famous is cool you get so many advantages. I'm 12 turning 13 in September. I been wanting to be on tv since I was 3. I been doing dance since I was 4. And now I'm going to be attending singing lessons. I do all this because I love to sing, act and dance!  I want to be on TV more then anything. I would give up so much to be an actress singer or professional dancer. So for all of you who want to become famous heres a website to help you out
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I my name is sadie...I am 13 going to be 14 in november...I just want to help yall out here....if yall really want to reach far out there to act...a great site is your parents have a credit card ask them nicely and they would most probably help you upgrade a profile to gold...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well what I'm doing is getting phone numbers of actress like selena gomes and I'm going to see if she can call me
Venise Paling Profile
Venise Paling answered
Hey, I'm 13. And My Inspiration is Demi Lovato, I'm from Philippines and It's my dream being an actress in Disney Channel, Like Sonny with A Chance or Good luck Charlie. I sing and I act. I sing like Demi that's why she is my inspiration. It's my dream since I was 10. I'm planning to get an agent from California.. I want this so bad. I'm in a band. Thanks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to go in books and websites and try to see if you can find an agent gud luk =)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its  Miley  Cirus  with  a  little  edvice.If  you  follow  your  dreams  you  will  always  acompish  them.   My  number
Lee Profile
Lee answered
You look for a new Disney channel show and audition for a part that you think you would like
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi my name is marcia please I real want to get famous iam a veary good at singing and acting I real want to be famous it always been my life's dream.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I really want to be a guest star on wizards of Waverly place any Disney  shows  am a good actor I was in a cermershall for a  amusement park so it would be really nice to be on a TV show
Max Angel Profile
Max Angel answered
Start out with getting an agent. He'll give you the heads up when an audition is ready. You could also join a talent site and pay money for the site to show your profile to agents but that's not worth it I've tried (unless you have the money which I don't). But yeah start with an agent and audition your heart out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should look in the phone book and look for a modeling agency. Then get your Head shots done. After that look for disney channel casting calls and if you can't fly out to California send in a tape of yourself and see if disney likes you.But you might want to take acting classes first.Hope I helped!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By being myself every time I'm on camera but also being the character in my script.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
@aballgum, you will need an agent for tv and movies, because there are 2 types or agents; one for commercials and one for tv and film. Good luck! But don't pay them upfront!, pay them 10% - 15% of what you are paid when they get you a job.
d ds Profile
d ds answered
The same question was asked and answered on blurtit many times before. Do visit:
Acting Career Startup Tips,
Blurtit Reference 1,
Blurtit Reference 2,
Blurtit Reference 3,
Blurtit Reference 4-Shows more 10 Blurtit References along with some links.
With all of the above links-Including the 10 Blurtit references, There is no other good link that left unnoticed by blurters in all above blurtit references.
Take a look at all those sites-I gave you links instead of copying them here.
Best wishes for you.

McKenzie Collins Profile
I really would like to know because either way I would luv to become a singer/actress when I'm older. I don't mind disney or hollywood but would prefer hollywood.
T'ana Williams Profile
T'ana Williams answered
I can sing I'm just really shy because I'm ugly so I'm going to just stick to singing with my friends and my hairbrush
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You go like to du l.a. Man go tu a audition like an if you get da part like mi den you mite like com famous do-od I mean thats ow I did it like so give it like a try yer so by
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god I just got a call from an agent and he wants me to star in a MOVIE. I am going to be famous!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First you go call radio disney whoms # is 18778705678 and ask can you be a guest star on disney duh! Stupid asses
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I'm 12. Two years ago I really wanted to be a disney channel actress I searched and searched I never found any answers. The only way you can is if your family member is an actress or something and can get yoiu a gig most likely yopur dream woont come true :(

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