How Do I Become A Construction Worker?


23 Answers

Matt Domm Profile
Matt Domm answered
Construction can be a fun and rewarding industry to work in but it can also be a dangerous and pressured industry and that is why it is important to have the right training when on a building site.

The traditional route into the construction industry is to start out as a labourer, usually on a temporary basis, through this you can learn about health and safety and get used to working on a site. If you work hard you may get picked up by a large contractor or building company and be able to work your way up through the workforce. It is always important to work hard, be reliable and to learn as much as possible.

If you are interested in a skilled profession then the usual route is through an apprenticeship. During an apprenticeship you will be paid a small salary to work on a daily basis and attend a college or some form of training once or twice a week, apprenticeships usually last between one and four years. These are usually focused on skilled work such as plumbing, joinery or electrician work. Many colleges now offer apprenticeship schemes and most construction companies employ apprentices. 

The industry as a whole is going through a bad time and there are not as many opportunities as there were a few years ago. Declining housing prices have made construction a much less profitable business and the decline in the housing boom means that the largest section of the industry is in decline. This does not mean that there are no construction jobs out there, and skilled jobs are still in demand, such as plumbing and carpentry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My father and two brothers, have worked most of their lives as construction workers, and they do not have any college education.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No you don´t but having a degree in arcutectual design can help get a better position in construction
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do you have to have in education for construction
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When you turn 18 go to a work site ask for SUPERINTENDANT,then ask if he is hiring? He will say no but I guarantee after looking at you over and over he will give you a chance to work,try a union site at start time 700am most places good luck
sharon scott Profile
sharon scott answered
Not if you have a network in construction or know someone in-construction- the money is in off shore rig work
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, but you probably should to get a good degree and get a better position in construction:)
Debbie Ainsworth Profile
If your lucky you can become an apprentice or you can go to a Contractors School which is better. If you go to work for a company they usually want experienced workers but I would check first with the State Contractors Board where you live
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can be a construction worker without a high school diploma but it's better if you do.
Michael Vore Profile
Michael Vore answered
I really really don't mean this as bad as is it sounds... But ... You don't need to do anything, don worry bout school if your interest is in construction, matter of fact your the perfect candidate because your not in school... Just get a news paper... Look up a job in construction hiring entry level laborer's and go to work, in a couple months you'll move up if your a decent worker, and from there the sky is the limit. Construction workers are a dime a dozen. It's not rocket science.....just go be a construction worker, you don't need any schooling, just be a hard worker. Seriously you think you need to go to school or something to hold a hammer? Hit a nail, pick up debris, dig a hole, saw some wood.... And yes people will say measurements and what not... You'll learn that along the way.

Good Luck!

Good Luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can get very far with just a string and a framing square but if I were you I would study up on my basic math pre-algebra and heavily study geometry specificity triangles and the Pythagorean theorem.

Once you get into roof framing it would be wise to learn basic right angle trigonometry it will become your biggest tool and the best part its easy to learn just ratio's and proportion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No but if you have a arcutectual degree it can help you in getting a higher paying job and your knowing hows I have been a construction worker for 15 years now and I didnt take any college in the beginning but about 6 years ago I went back and got my arcutectual degree
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Take some shop classes in high school also depends on what sort of construction you want to do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to college. Construction consists of 2 types of people. The earners, and the gurners. The earners are skilled trades with numeracy and english as a firm grounding. If someone runs up to you requiring an on the spot written quote, written out by you! being good with a hammer won't do much good. So your good with a hammer as well!! But you base your quote on numbers, and the written word to win the work, produce reports amend plans health and Safety everything. Smacking something with a hammer will be fine if you just want to do that the rest of your life. Electricians, plumbers, Plasterers, Brick Layers, Concrete engineers, Carpenters, site engineers, quantity surveyors, site managers, foremen, consultants, Contract managers, clerk of works. ALL of them require an ability and grasp of science and numeracy as well as the practical skills.
However if you want to live in a trailer getting drunk most days of the week, no future, with cousin maggy carrying your baby, no car, house savings or life in general, just keep smacking things with a hammer, I'm sure you'll always pull a minimum wage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I will suggest you to first complete your studies and try to take engineering subject because that will help you a lot in the construction work. And for such line architect is also not a bad option. You will get a lot better job as a construct worker if you get any one of these degrees.

Best of luck Buddy
Karina Carrasco Profile
Karina Carrasco answered
All math skills to be a construction worker are learned throughout your school years (sadly) I think. So I think you don't need to go to college, just finish high school. But, go to college to have a higher paying position (recommended).

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