After their contract with modeling agency, do models (commericial print models) need to go to the agency to have pictures taken, or can they have it done anywhere and send them to the agency?


2 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

You go to any photographer that has experience shooting and assembling a models portfolio. Then you can send them to agencies or make an appointment to visit with your portfolio. Legitimate modeling agencies do not have a portfolio photographer on staff. 

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I guess you're clueless about modeling.

1.You can't take pictures anywhere you want! And send them and if there's something such as this, it's not anything like modeling.

2.You just don't go in agencies and take pictures! You need to get educated, learn your lessons, get qualified and then you're gonna have to sign contracts.

And there's not much anything as agency but mostly more like  "Company"

-Choose your category

-Call companies, try to make an appointment with them or get a interview with them.

-Take any background you have.

-The first thing a model needs to not fail at the very first look is posing for camera, camera is your best friend or you'll never be a good model.

-Modeling has so many categories and big environment, first gender counts,male or female, then cloths or watches and accessories such as jewelry and shoes ect . . 

-You can pick your working category and contact it's related company, but at first you can't determine much about your modeling cause when you be accepted and signed contract with all the terms (such as nutrition under control, their medical cares, their skin and body products and all the policy terms) you still a fresh inexperienced model and need to show your desires and build your way up. When you be good you'll be called up a lot and then you can have so many company shooting all in the same time and decide and call your own terms about your job.

-Also shooting and modeling has so many levels, magazine model, website model or those who walk down an aisle and so many more .. You need to get into it's knowledge and world and contact it's company to be guided.

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