My answer to your question would be, yes I manage my time pretty well on most days. I admit I do have my bad days where I do not get too much accomplished but on a majority of days, I manage my twenty fours quite well. I am a mother, a wife, a home – maker and I have two jobs one of which is full time while the other is part time. The secret to my time management lies in prioritizing everything that I have to do. In order of priorities, my son comes first, after that the rest of my family, then my full time job and at the end my part time job. I give due time to each.
If you need tips on time management, just ask and I am here to answer. I will offer some tips anyways:
1. Make a list of everything that you need to do everyday.
2. Prioritize your tasks
3. Assign time periods to each task and make a schedule
4. Make sure you stick to your schedule.
I hope it helps! Good luck managing your time!