Do You Think That Your Time Is Managed Effectively?


5 Answers

Saddaf K Profile
Saddaf K answered
Time management means tackling the time available is such a way as to maximize your efficiency and efficacy. Time management can be personal time management or corporate time management. Your question as to my time is managed effectively or not, pertains to personal time management.

My answer to your question would be, yes I manage my time pretty well on most days. I admit I do have my bad days where I do not get too much accomplished but on a majority of days, I manage my twenty fours quite well. I am a mother, a wife, a home – maker and I have two jobs one of which is full time while the other is part time. The secret to my time management lies in prioritizing everything that I have to do. In order of priorities, my son comes first, after that the rest of my family, then my full time job and at the end my part time job. I give due time to each.

If you need tips on time management, just ask and I am here to answer. I will offer some tips anyways:
1. Make a list of everything that you need to do everyday.
2. Prioritize your tasks
3. Assign time periods to each task and make a schedule
4. Make sure you stick to your schedule.

I hope it helps!  Good luck managing your time!
Przem Mosky Profile
Przem Mosky answered
Time is our treasure, unfortunately it happens too often that we waste it without thinking. How often do we say later that the day is definitely too short. How many times do we tell our friends that we have no time for anything, that we are stuck and far behind with work? We have to find valuable hours from now on, from that moment we pay close attention to every moment that has escaped unnoticed so far.

1. We observe.

Let's prepare a notebook that we can always have with us and start a list of our daily activities.
The list should include:
- hour of wake- up call ,
- time of the morning toilet
- breakfast time
- commuting
time - time spent at work (with breakdown for the time actually spent at work and the time spent at work)
- save overtime and hours devoted to work at home .
- we save the time spent with the family
- time spent on watching TV, playing books, etc.
- evening toilet, and time to sleep.

Such a list will help us notice what chaos prevails in the distribution of our day. Already at the time of saving, we will subconsciously increase our efficiency because we will catch errors on a regular basis.
2. We prepare the plan of the day.

After about a week our notebook will start to serve us for other purposes. Every night you should sit down and write down an approximate plan for the next day.
We save all tasks, meetings and other planned things.
Let's make sure that the plan is not too tight, as a rule you should plan about 50% of the time available, thanks to which we are sure that we will be able to do everything with it.
3. The plan is an individual thing.
Let us not be discouraged if at first we are not able to realistically distribute the task and all tasks. We will notice improvement with each day. Our plan will be implemented more and more, until finally writing it and making it will be as natural to us as the morning coffee.

4. Such a simple system can be compared to diet planning or saving money. In any case, we first make a list of habits and then plan further steps.

Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered

Hello, I do not think that my time management is effective.
I am always late, whether I
have to go somewhere or write a report at work. I have tried many ways
to change this situation, but I have failed. Do you have any advice for me? Procrastinating
is another issue that I have.

Frank Lee Profile
Frank Lee answered

Of course it is! Here is an example: Even when I needed to write my Masters degree paper work I tried to be as rational as possible. I simply forgot about writing by yourself. It`s better and faster to get help from the experts. I had one trusted online writing website. They offered cheaper prices and guaranted quality and refund. As a result I  safed my  time and nerves. Use this link:

Kainat hasan Profile
Kainat hasan answered
It depends on your own capabilities that how you are going to manage your time so that you can utilize it effectively.

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