It all depends on the course it usually takes between 6 months and 2 years also depending on the state to become a medical assistant
Nursing Assistant Registered (NAR) Class runs January 2- February 2 at Three Links. The class is from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm and meets Monday through Thursdays.
We employ Nursing Assistants at several locations: Home Care, The Links Care Center, Millstream Commons and The Villages of Lonsdale Assisted Living, The Cottages Memory Care and Reflections Care Suites.
Nursing Assistants help residents and tenants to perform basic daily tasks. They work under a nurse’s supervision, and since they have extensive daily contact with each resident, they play a key role in their lives and in keeping the nursing staff up to date on vital information about the residents’ conditions.
It wont take many years because I know that most community colleges offer the medical assistant program and community colleges offer mostly 2 year degrees and then you can start working.
As many years as it takes