For every year that you receive unemployment benefits, you have to claim these back on your income tax. The state that you live in is responsible for getting this tax document to you each year, but here are some instructions on how to get your W2 from unemployment in states such as Colorado.
Firstly you need to log onto the website that you use to make your unemployment claims. If you don’t get your claims online, you need to go the employment site for your state. Use your online account to access all the information you will need. If you don’t already have one you will usually need to know the weekly amount of benefits you receive in order to create an account.
Go to the accounts section but remember that not all states allow you to access this. Each state is different for example Ohio has a secure messages section for your online account but this is not the case with California. Fortunately, the state of Colorado will allow you to look at your accounts section.
Look for the message that has your tax document attached to it. Once you have opened your message and checked it is the right one, there should be an option for you to download the document onto your computer. When the download is complete you should just be able to open and view it on your computer and then print it off if you wish to.
If you do not see your document displayed on this place, there will be options on the website to contact a member of staff who should be able to correct your problem. There should also be options available for you to arrange to have the document sent to you if you would prefer.
Firstly you need to log onto the website that you use to make your unemployment claims. If you don’t get your claims online, you need to go the employment site for your state. Use your online account to access all the information you will need. If you don’t already have one you will usually need to know the weekly amount of benefits you receive in order to create an account.
Go to the accounts section but remember that not all states allow you to access this. Each state is different for example Ohio has a secure messages section for your online account but this is not the case with California. Fortunately, the state of Colorado will allow you to look at your accounts section.
Look for the message that has your tax document attached to it. Once you have opened your message and checked it is the right one, there should be an option for you to download the document onto your computer. When the download is complete you should just be able to open and view it on your computer and then print it off if you wish to.
If you do not see your document displayed on this place, there will be options on the website to contact a member of staff who should be able to correct your problem. There should also be options available for you to arrange to have the document sent to you if you would prefer.