A cashier handles money and processes the bar codes of purchased products. Cashiers may often be found at chain stores such as Wal-Mart, or at grocery stores. However, at least one cashier will always be found at any bricks-and-mortar retail outlet. Cashiers must greet customers, ring up purchases, keep track of receipts and floats, and deal with voids and returns. The best cashiers will be one hundred percent honest, as dealing with money provides too much temptation for dishonest employees. Cashiers may need to go through training programs in order to learn how to use electronic cash registers. Often, bar codes for products will be scanned with a handheld scanner, or a scanner that is built into a rubber conveyor belt.
A cashier may man the cash register all through his or her shift, and they may do other duties and then ring up purchases when they need to. For example, someone who sells clothes in a shop may help customers and stock inventory when they are not needed at the cash register. Every job description in retail will probably require knowledge of how to use a cash register. Normally, using such a machine is quite easy, but there can be problems when paper rolls run out in a machine and need to be replaced, or when the machine malfunctions. Many cashiers also don't like doing returns and voids, as they are a bit more complicated than ringing up a typical purchase.
If you're planning to work as a cashier and train in using a cash register, be sure that you understand that you'll be dealing with the public all day long, each and every day you're at work. Some people enjoy this sort of customer service aspect of a career, and other people absolutely hate it.
If you love meeting people and chatting, you may find that being on the front lines at a retail job is quite fun and gratifying. If you're shy and introverted, dealing with people all day may seem like torture.
- Other information
A cashier may man the cash register all through his or her shift, and they may do other duties and then ring up purchases when they need to. For example, someone who sells clothes in a shop may help customers and stock inventory when they are not needed at the cash register. Every job description in retail will probably require knowledge of how to use a cash register. Normally, using such a machine is quite easy, but there can be problems when paper rolls run out in a machine and need to be replaced, or when the machine malfunctions. Many cashiers also don't like doing returns and voids, as they are a bit more complicated than ringing up a typical purchase.
- Training tips
If you're planning to work as a cashier and train in using a cash register, be sure that you understand that you'll be dealing with the public all day long, each and every day you're at work. Some people enjoy this sort of customer service aspect of a career, and other people absolutely hate it.
If you love meeting people and chatting, you may find that being on the front lines at a retail job is quite fun and gratifying. If you're shy and introverted, dealing with people all day may seem like torture.