A good Administrator is the backbone of the office, he or she is the pillar of the office therefore they have to have certain strong qualities which are listed below.
- Must have very good communication skills, since he has to run the office, cater to the needs of each and every staff member, he must be able to communicate very well with everybody in the office.
- He should have contacts with different service providers, so that any problem arising in the office can be tackled immediately.
- He must be a quick thinker and be able to provide solutions speedily, so that the office work is not hampered.
- Must be well mannered with a pleasant temperament, there would be several tricky situations which would need to be tackled in a calm and cool manner.
- Last but not the least he must be very supportive to everyone and must always be there to help out and co operate with all staff members to keep the office going smoothly