Explain The Principles And Process Of Campaign Management?


1 Answers

Mark Harley Profile
Mark Harley answered
Campaign Management is the responsibility of a Marketing Manager. It is their task and duty to target customers specifically, not broadly. In the past basic adverts such as billboards or magazine slots would do, and are still commonplace for broader aimed products, but a lot of businesses are finding their niche market and realising they need to specifically target these people in order to survive.

The new aim is individual interaction; to focus on that customer’s specific needs. Patterns of interest have to be considered for their customers but also their rivals and what sorts of people they are dealing with. Accurate trend spotting can lead to other opportunities for a business. A good example would be products for first time parents. They will only buy one pram (baby stroller) because they’re re-usable, but they will need other products such as nappies (diapers), baby food, clothes and even things like books giving upbringing advice.

Managers are now rightly turning to technology to be specific. Adware has been around for ages and remembers your interests and emails you regarding that, but the new tech, used by sites like Facebook and Google, is less intrusive, less obvious, but responsibly tailored to gauge your interests and will sit there and do so repeatedly.

Customers need to be targeted based on their needs. Look at a mobile phone (cell phone) company; one customer might have problems with service and reception, so look at rivals for reliability, whilst another might find their plan isn’t quite as beneficial to their needs as a rival. In the past these customers would all be targeted and perhaps told they’d be getting improved signal, yet that doesn’t help out the customer whose plan isn’t quite right. Nowadays the overall plans will still occur, but individual arrangements can be arranged on a much more personal and brand-trust based level.

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