
Can You Give Me A Title For Thesis Regarding Hotel And Restaurant Management Course?


17 Answers

Adam Yare Profile
Adam Yare answered
After years of undergraduate study, coming up with an idea for a thesis is always going to be hard. You should work to your own personal strengths, and therefore try to pick a title that you feel confident about.

If you enjoy the subject you pick you will enjoy writing and researching the whole project, and this will show in your final mark, as well as your sense of fulfillment when it is all done and dusted.

You are doing an academic study, so why not think of something you know the markers are interested in. If you know your professor or adviser has a certain passion for a subject, why not lean towards this, that way you are more likely to hold their attention and get a good mark.

Maybe choose a subject that is unique and stands out from the crowd, by choosing a more niche topic it may help you in looking for a career at a later date.

However with that in mind pick a topic that you still have some knowledge about, looking at old essays and pieces of coursework may give you an idea you could expand upon.

Finally pick a subject matter that is manageable, this is an important step in your academic life, but it shouldn't be so immense that it consumes your social life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can You Give Me A Title For Thesis Regarding Hotel And Restaurant Management Course?

And the full file of the tile
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thesis title hotel and restaurant management
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Restaurant strategies to attract customers
kariz may tejada Profile
Attributes of a buffet restaurants
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Impact of incentives to employees,,

workplace emotions..

Effect of music on appetite..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The difference between managing a themed hotel/restaurant vs. A non themed. Case study on how guests treat employees .. (example: Disney hotels vs. Non disney hotels.)
Stephen Brennan Profile
Stephen Brennan answered
In this current economic climate, a thesis on how hotel & restaurants should adapt their trading and management ideas/procedures to accommodate market downturn without comprising product quality, revenue, bottom line profit, and (most importantly in my eyes) reputation.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hotel and Tourism is very large industry and they have some very really interesting topics to work on. Food and nutrition, Effective Customer care or Hotels and Tourism itself is a huge topic to work on. You can select any of them. gatwick airport hotels
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thesis title regarding restaurant
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Can You Give Me A Title For Thesis Regarding Hotel And Restaurant Management Course?
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
In order to help you with this question, other readers would need to know exactly what your thesis is about.  Which aspect of HRM are you focussing on, and what is the unique feature of  your research? You don't want your title to be too general - the more you can explain within the word limit, the better. You can find some tipshere.

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