Denny's actually has a whole page on their website dedicated to retrieving your W2 form.
This is more or less what they have to say about the matter:
Present employees will receive their W-2 form
the restaurant they work at, on January 30.
If it is not delivered to the restaurant by January 31, it will be shipped off directly to your home address.
Former employees of Denny's looking for their W2 form:
Denny's mails your form to the last known address you had registered with them.
If you work for a Denny;s franchise:
It is up to the owner of the specific restaurant to issue your W2 form, so speak to him!
Denny's asks that you provide the following when requesting a W2 form:
- Self addressed stamped envelope, and
- a written request that includes: Name, address, social security
number, W-2 year requested, and a daytime phone number including your
area code, and - a $5.00 money order for each year requested.
Denny's W-2 Reprints
203 E. Main St.
Spartanburg, SC 29319