Don't think that just because you're young you can't get a job. There are many job opportunities for 13 year olds.
-you can babysit
-you can mow lawns or shovel driveways etc.
-you can care for dogs/ walk dogs
-probably get a low paying job at a grooming salon for pets
-sell things such as food (cakes,pies,cookies etc.) or crafts that could be used as decorations
-maybe at the hairdresser for sweeping hair or cleaning mirrors, floors, stocking shelves
Be creative, there are many jobs available, you just have to look
Good Luck!
When I was 13 I teach my junior students and do news paper distribute job door to door by the help of cycle! I manage to earn 66$ or 2000 indian rs! Hope it help you!
You could try for some part-time jobs. You can go for some part time job in your own school (cleaning), or you can go to some other stationary or pizza shops and try your luck there.
Perhaps a paper route. Help the elderly in your neighborhood w/ chores. Be a gardeners helper. Do chores around the house to get an allowance etc.
I hear you, I'm 15, and I still struggle to find a job, or some good way of getting money. When I was 12 I had a paper rout, but they laid my off because of the economy! (IKR! Mean! Lol) And plus not every where can you get a paper rout.
I found that dog walking is really good, I charge $10 for a 30 minute walk. I also know a 34 year old who does dog walking as a job! But unless you know a bunch of people, and they call like more than once a month, it's still hard to get money. You know it's not a very constant job, it's all a matter of " will some one see my flyer? " or what ever. Yard work can get you money, like sometimes older people need help with their garden, or mowing. But once again, it's not a matter of walking up to their door and saying " Hey need help with yard work?"
Then there's baby sitting, my parents wont let me baby-sit unless it's with people we already know. And we don't know many people who have little kids.
I'm sorry I can't help you very much, just wanted to point out somethings. :)
think about what you are good at and what job you can do that would emphasize what you're good at
Babysitting is always a good one. But if not a paper round. Or you could do jobs for your family and neighbors like washing cars and taking dogs for a walk etc
Hmm... Paper rounds are a good one. If there is someone you know that trusts you and they have kids then babysitting? I'm 14 and have struggled to find much to be honest.
At the age of 14, you should stay in school but if you really want to work,you can try as a promodiser.
I would say you should sell some stuff candy bars make brownies and stuff like Tat and sell
Loads of my friends do paper ounds but I couldnt get up that early lol !
Sell old childhood clothes and toys in your garage.
You can waitress,work in a garden centre corner shop cafe restaurant pub chambermaid gardener dog walker babysitter etc...
Find a friend,family member that works some where and see if you can help
I am 14 I need job for money because I want money in Holiday buy something nice I NEED JOB MONEY.
Shovel side walks mow the grass take out garbage for older people, help out your family members who will pay you of course hang in there buddy you keep that money mentality you will be making hundreds or even thousands,,,good luck.
Try to learn media related softwares , so you can work freelance and earn money,(editing , photoshop etc)
I am 13 and I need a job I will do anything text me if you live in escondido California us at 1760 2678575 if you have a job for me
Cause Sight,smile foreign public turn objective market song distribution arm driver wish phase interest season motor average call replace sound scale place soil project succeed public theory care flower enable really quality married dangerous pattern tomorrow instruction prisoner achieve fail beat whose proposal living proposal circle painting completely potential hard impose proper step cash realize reasonable knee see she considerable around sure concern sort immediately capable love religion collect corporate expert presence observe us recall strength involve instrument review know leaf advantage high film operate increased inform
Hey I'm 13 and need a job to !!! I'm going to ask my mum if I can work at the new cafe brown sugar coffee and deli bar in long stratton just for wiping tables and all that stuff. You could also try being a baby-sitter,paper-girl/boy,lawn mower, dish washer, make and sell stuff (cakes jewellery lemonade) I hope that helps !!!!
Well, I'm 13 and work at home and get an amazing £380 per week.,
I love doing my thing online iots sooo fun. I get to go to alton towers every month nearly!!!
Try finding a job that you would enjoy and not just because of the money it takes.
You will have fun and enjoy it more if you like it and it takes your fancy.
Mow lawns, clean pools for neighbors etc.
I am 15 years old and in desperate need of a job. The only problem is that I am 15 years old. No one wants to give a teen under 16 a job for so many reasons
I really need a job I live in Bradford west yorkshire UK and I don't know what sort of job I can do can anybody help me and I am 13 years old I need help to find a job thanks
I'm 13 and I really want a job so that I can get out of the house when I have nothing to do on the weekend because I need money and my parents wont give it to me...please help??
I have a paper round. Call the swindon advertiser or swindon star for a paper round.
Hello I'm 13 and I really want a job it gets so boring in the weekend and I want a job like cleaning or dog walking so if you have a job for me... And I need one quick for my mums birthday :-)
For a proper job you'll have to wait until your 16 but you could wash cars or something for money. Sorry this isn't much help but I'm in the same situations, 13 and want a job to earn money but can't find one :/
Washing peoples cars, walking neighbors dogs, being a babysitter, doing jobs for neighbors, having a garage sale with all your old childhood toys, selling lemonade and cakes, etc.
Paper rounds, or for something more fun, I am an avon representative and I am 13 too:)
I'm only 13 and want to volunteer-I live in texas:
I want something that has to do with the medical field? Or like at the nursing home or something.
Help? Any ideas?
I am 18 but when I was 13 I used too do car washes and Paper Routes (: Try it you make some gooooood money (;
I am 13 years old and don't have a job. It is very hard to find one because noone thinks you are capable of having that much responsibility. A lot of businesses are making the ages that you can work there higher and higher. The lowest job I have ever seen was at a hospital volunteering or getting paid not very much
Well try talking in school about it, if they can help you find a job. I need a job as well, but I don't have the faintest clue what is available for me, so I'm going to basically ask in school to kind of help me out if they can. Anyways hope you all the Best x
I am turning 13 very soon and need a job problem is you arent allowed to work till your 15 where I live and I can't walk dogs and where I live it is not very popular so selling anything wouldnt work I can't go ask any shops cause well its illegal for them to give me a job and also where I live you can't babysit till you are at least 14 years HELP ME!
I started my first job at 14. I think before then it is difficult to convince potential employers that you can be useful to them, as you have basically no experience and are very young. Waitressing is good for girls because its sociable, fun and the money is reasonably okay - but don't let employers try and overwork you or dock your pay just because you are young. You have to go into the workplace with a mature attitude and remember that your age will sometimes work against you. For example, customers may not treat you with respect which can be upsetting and disheartening. Unfortunately the best option is to try and let it not affect you too much.
Well I'm 14 and my mom told me that if I was a candy striper (voulenteer at a hospital)that if I stayed faithful to it and did my best she would pay me for it, seen as I don't get a allowance so maybe if you just do something you like.
Well I'm 13 and I only need $40.00 but I don't want to work ALL summer for just $40, I LOVE my summers, I want to babysit but still what if the kid like hates me? Or you know? I don't know and I live in a VERY small place soo theres not a resturant or anything like that.
I'm 13 and want a horse relli quick ino il prob get about £350 4 xmas but its still not enough 4 it neva mind the equipment thers a man next hu races horses so hopefully I can clean his stables out r sumfin and get sum money any other tips mi ma r da wont let me do work in da house because dey no I jus want them 2 give me money is der any fin out der
I need a job really badly. Anyone got any ideas?
Tutor kids at your school, babysit for friend's siblings, make crafts, mow lawns, etc.
I really need a job and its tough. I am trying but no one will accept me because I am 13. I wouldn't mind a job at a garden centre or a vet or even a dental or doctor surgery.
There's only a couple jobs available for teens so you'll just have to find what's available.If there are not any jobs available just ask your neighbors for a around the house job they would really appreciate it.Thanks for asking!
My name is katie I am 14 years young and I want to do hair and beauty is there any salon jobs I could have?
Do things around the house to help your parents and see if they will reward you for it.
I'm 14 and need a job I've asked everywhere but unfortunatly no where has said yes ): I have a paper round but that is not enough so I'm gunna keep trying
A freelance editor at 13 give me strengh. When I was youre age I would deliver news papers and I also had a milk round, but if you where to knock on youre neighbours doors and ask to wash there cars most of them would be happy to obligue
I'm going to be 13 this june and my dad is already making me work like hell! He makes me do these application forms for saudi people to study and travel that are like 50 pages long. I get £5.00 for each one though and you get used to them. I would suggest that you work as a paperboy/girl or babysit.
It is very hard to make your own money at 13, as I'm 15 and it is still really hard to find a job at my age aswell, as employers really do prefer you to be 16 and have a national insurance number, however there are small jobs such as paper rounds or delivering leaflets etc... Or maybe you could go round your neighborhood offering to do small jobs such as clean their cars and cut their lawn, as I'm sure they would be happy to pay you a small amount for it. I hope this helps and that you find what your looking for
You're too young for a job. Indulge yourself to business instead
Ok I am 13 and I wont a job were can I get one at
Is anything availabe I need to make 474.46 in like 4 weeks anyone help
Hi all, love to help but am not sure whether there is a job for 13 yrs of age
but most people lie, say they are old.
It refer you to real writing job at
I am 13, I'm desp-arte for an iphone, but my parents wont let me get contract, so it was recently my 13th birthday and iv got quite a bit of money left, so I'm hoping I wont spend it and save up but I only get about £5 once a blue moon, so I'm thinking about getting a job not just for the money but for some experience in a job too .., but I can't think of a good paying job, I'm thinking about working at the cattery but its also a £5 job, ( least you get it weekly ), because my parents wont let me do paper rounds, and I don't think I'm able to baby sit just yet xx help me pretty ples ase xx