According to ‘’, the highest paying state for a teacher is California, with the average salary being $59,825, this is closely followed by Connecticut where the average is $59,304. This is then followed by Illinois at $58,686, New Jersey at $58,156 and New York at $57,354. The website admits that it is difficult to find accurate beginning and average salaries for teachers by state as it does vary considerably from school to school and also within the state. The lowest average salary is in South Dakota and is $34,709, followed by North Dakota at $37,764, West Virginia at $38,284, Oklahoma at $38,772 and Montana at $39,832.
The website also looks at ‘salary comfort’. The cost of living varies dramatically from state to state so Salary Comfort takes into account the cost of living when compared to the teacher’s salary. In Hawaii for example, the teachers are 15th best paid in the country but they are at the bottom of the list for ‘Salary Comfort’ because while they are paid more than average, the cost of living in Hawaii is much higher so these teachers will have the smallest disposable income in the country. Illinois is at the top of the list with salary comfort, followed by Delaware, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and then Ohio.
Connecticut has the highest starting salary for a new teacher and it is $39,259. Alaska is the second with an average of $38,657 followed by New Jersey at $38,408. Illinois is fourth with $37,500 and this is followed by New York with $37,321.
The website also looks at ‘salary comfort’. The cost of living varies dramatically from state to state so Salary Comfort takes into account the cost of living when compared to the teacher’s salary. In Hawaii for example, the teachers are 15th best paid in the country but they are at the bottom of the list for ‘Salary Comfort’ because while they are paid more than average, the cost of living in Hawaii is much higher so these teachers will have the smallest disposable income in the country. Illinois is at the top of the list with salary comfort, followed by Delaware, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and then Ohio.
Connecticut has the highest starting salary for a new teacher and it is $39,259. Alaska is the second with an average of $38,657 followed by New Jersey at $38,408. Illinois is fourth with $37,500 and this is followed by New York with $37,321.