Was the job posted via e-mail? If it was not, do not try to apply for the position that way. Never take the easy way out when looking for a job. A personal application handed to the prospective employeer is much more likely to make an impression over an e-mail. With the numer of people looking for a job at this time in the world you must find some way to stand out from everyone else.
If, on the other hand, it was offered via e-mail then that would make a difference. First off, you will need to write a letter telling the prospective employeer why you would like to have the postion and how you feel you would be a benefit to the company. In the letter mention any job that you have had previously that is the same or similiar to the postion he is looking for fill. Include a resume of past employment.
In either case, if you have not heard back in one week take a few minutes and write a letter telling the man that you are hoping to hear from him soon. Thank him for taking the time to look at and consider your application. Keep it brief. All you are trying to do at this time is to bring your name up once again for consideration.
If, on the other hand, it was offered via e-mail then that would make a difference. First off, you will need to write a letter telling the prospective employeer why you would like to have the postion and how you feel you would be a benefit to the company. In the letter mention any job that you have had previously that is the same or similiar to the postion he is looking for fill. Include a resume of past employment.
In either case, if you have not heard back in one week take a few minutes and write a letter telling the man that you are hoping to hear from him soon. Thank him for taking the time to look at and consider your application. Keep it brief. All you are trying to do at this time is to bring your name up once again for consideration.