
What Are The Questions Asked To A Mba -finance Student In Interview To Get A Job?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An MBA finance student is supposed to be adept and well acquainted with financial tools especially ratio analysis techniques which help them assess the financial health of organizations and other financial techniques that are used to asses the viability of projects. Something more important than academic adeptness would be your dependability, a potential employer would want to know how well you can adjust in their working environment and working styles. Also, they would like to know how dependable you can be in the tasks assigned to you so they pose their questions accordingly. Some questions asked during interviews are recurrent and standard which seek to find out how well you know yourself like mentioning your specific strengths and weaknesses. Organizations usually do not focus on academic qualifications during interviews as they train hired candidates themselves according to their requirements. Besides that, they would want to find out if you're a team player and can adjust easily in any situation. An important skill for a finance candidate is reasoning abilities, ask questions if you have to and use your analytical skills.
Sripriya Seerapu Profile

Here some interview questions on Finance.

  1. What is working capital?
  2. How do we calculate income tax?
  3. Do you think operating profit can be more than the gross profit?
  4. Can you describe how Private Banking works?
  5. Can you differentiate between current assets & fixed assets?
  6. What is the difference between revenue and profit?
  7. Do you invest in stock markets?
  8. For a big MNC, What documents are covered in the Financial Statement?
  9. Have you heard about investment banking?
  10. How is the income statement linked to the balance sheet?
  11. What is a deferred tax liability and why might one be created?

  12. What is a deferred tax asset and why might one be created?

  13. Is it possible for a company to show positive cash flows but be in grave trouble?

  14. What are the different methods used for time keeping?

  15. How do you record PP&E and why is this important?

  16. Is it possible for a company to show positive cash flows but be in grave trouble?

Apart from interview questions it’s best to practice for interviews. One such platform where you can practice interviewing with experts is InterviewBuddy - https://interviewbuddy. You will get more questions about any domain of interviews.

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